This paper uses econometric method to analyze the income distribution effects of the rural labor migration based on farmer data of Jilin province. 摘要依据吉林省农户调查数据,我们应用经济计量方法分析了农村劳动力流动的收入分配效应。
The Income Distribution Effects of Administrative Monopoly 行政垄断的收入分配效应:理论及中国的经验研究
Confronted with higher reserve requirements, banks are likely to look to fee-based income to offset the effects of lower lending. 面对更高的存款准备金要求,各银行可能会寻求以费用类收入来抵消放贷减少的影响。
In this paper, by the use of a micro-simulation model, the comparative studies of the income distribution effects and financial effects between the three personal income tax reforms are engaged in. 笔者应用一个微观模拟模型,对于三次个人所得税改革的收入分配效应和财政效应进行了对比动态研究。
Through analyzing the impacts of personal income tax on pre and post Gini coefficient, the income distribution effects of personal income taxation policy are investigated. 通过分析征税行为对征税前后的基尼系数的影响,讨论了个人所得税的收入分配效应。
That's possible in theory ( income effects overwhelming substitution effects), but once you put it that way it seems highly unlikely. 当然在理论上这是可能的(当收入效应压倒替代效应时),但是实际上那是非常不现实的。
The government blames the growing income disparity on the effects of globalisation affecting its open economy. 新加坡政府将收入差距的不断扩大,归咎于全球化对其开放型经济的影响。
Using quantitative research methods, it examined the effects of human capital and political capital on workers 'employment and income and how these effects differ by types of enterprises. 作者运用定量研究方法检验了人力资本和政治资本对工人就业和收入的作用,以及这些作用是如何因企业而异。
By decomposing and computing the income distribution of monopoly industries, we can make clear the income distribution effects between monopoly industries and other industries as well as interior in monopoly industries only, which has been one of the urgent affairs in income distribution fields of China. 通过对垄断行业收入分配状况的分解计算,考察垄断与非垄断行业之间及其内部的收入分配效应并提出合理的应对措施,已成为中国收入分配领域的当务之急。
Divergence in comprehension both of substitution and income effects 收入效应与替代效应理解上的分歧
The paper discusses six types of effects, including Scale Effects, Structure Effects, Technology Effects, Income Effects, Product Effects and Regulatory Effects. In addition, it touches upon the environment environmental effects from theoretic patterns to empirical ones. 本文将国际贸易的环境效应区分为六个方面,即规模效应、结构效应、技术效应、收入效应、产品效应和法规效应,进而分别从理论模型到实证研究不同角度探讨了国际贸易的环境效应。
The types of schools and the family income had effects on middle school students. 中学生吸烟与学校类型和家庭收入等因素有关。
Increase tendency and instability of income: their effects on consumption propensity of Chinese Farmers 收入的增长趋势与不稳定性对中国农户消费倾向的影响
The relationship between individual income tax and labour supply shows 3 parts in the following: income effects, substitution effects and the influence for labour structure. 个人所得税与劳动供给的关系表现为三个方面:收入效应、替代效应、对劳动结构的影响。
These can named as treasury bond's effects: allocation effects of resources, income distribution effects, aggregate demand effects. 它们分别构成国债的资源配置效应,收入分配效应和总需求效应。
Analysis on Personal Income Tax Effects and Policy-making 个人所得税功能分析及政策选择
The Income Distribution Effects of Monopoly Industries& The Empirical Analysis of Urban Monopoly Industries 行业垄断的收入分配效应&对城镇垄断部门的实证分析
Second, we review our taxation on the income distribution effects. 其次,回顾了我国的税收对居民收入分配的影响。
Secondly, by using MT index, tax-shifting model and Kuznets ratio, investigate the income distribution effects of personal income tax and indirect taxes. 其次,分别通过MT指数和税负转嫁模型、库兹涅茨比率等对现行主要调节税种&个人所得税和流转税的收入分配效应进行考察。
At present, most of the research of how the income inequality effects the consumption follows the research methodology of the United States. 目前国内收入差距对消费影响问题的研究大都沿用了美国的研究方法。
Furthermore, Exogenous shocks lead to distributional income effects through reallocation of resources. 外部冲击通过对于资源的再分配产生收入分配效应。
The empirical results show that in the long term, the U.S. real income effects on bilateral trade balance is greater than the impact of real effective exchange rate of RMB. 实证研究结果表明,在长期,美国实际收入对中美双边贸易收支的影响要大于人民币实际有效汇率的影响。
Consumption structure caused by the consumption of non-fixed income and price effects, the development and lifestyles. 消费结构的非固定造成了消费影响收入和价格,制定,生活方式等。
The part of the main analyzes the resource allocation effect and income distribution effects of the real estate tax, as well as the impact on local government income and housing prices. 该部分主要分析了房地产税的资源配置效应和收入分配效应,以及对地方政府收入和房价的影响。
Based on the above background, the thesis selects the minimum living security for urban residents as the research object, specially analyzes its reducing poverty and income redistribution effects. 正是基于上述背景,本文选择将社会救助体系中的城市低保制度作为研究对象,专门对其减贫效应和收入再分配效应进行分析。
By means of graph, mathematical derivation and model, the paper analyzed and tested the effects and means of various agricultural subsidies, such as welfare effects, growth effects, income effects, price effects and structural effects. 通过利用图示、数理推导、模型分析法分析验证农业补贴手段所产生的各种补贴效应,如福利效应、增长效应、收入效应、价格效应以及结构效应等。
The overlarge gap of income distribution in enterprise which caused by unfairness of income distribution effects on the standard of technological innovation. 企业内收入分配差距过大会影响企业的技术创新水平,而收入差距过大的原因是收入分配不公。
The third chapter focuses on the economic effects of capital gains tax, such as the effects of capital gains tax on capital investment, income distribution effects, and analyzes the effects of the capital gains tax on the Stock Market taking Taiwan for example. 第三章主要介绍资本利得税的经济效应,分别分析了资本利得税在资本投资、收入分配方面的经济效应,并以台湾为例,分析了资本利得税对证券市场的影响。
Among them, the two technology-induced factors, per capita agricultural acreage and per capita income have outstanding effects on peasants 'selection of agricultural technical services. 其中,两个诱导性技术因素及人均耕地面积和农户人均收入对农户选择农业技术服务的影响最显著。